opened up|open up in English

evealed oneself, disclosed everything

Use "opened up|open up" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "opened up|open up" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "opened up|open up", or refer to the context using the word "opened up|open up" in the English Dictionary.

1. Open up!

2. Open up.

3. The Antiaircraft guns opened up

4. Her curiosity opened up Pandora's Box.

5. The shell's opened up the well.

6. The wound opened up and started bleeding.

7. So I opened up my own tobacco shop.

8. A rift had opened up within the party.

9. She opened up a glass jar of plums.

10. She opened up a barbershop of her own.

11. The door opened and the valance flicked up.

12. She opened her eyes, sat up, took Peter’s hand, and he raised her up.

13. These huge crevasses open up.

14. Open up a shop then

15. Succumbing to pressure, the government opened up the country.

16. Thereafter it should be opened up for general discussion.

17. The REM proposals opened up space for parallel actions.

18. Then others opened up and a miniature battle ensued.

19. The research has opened up new realms for investigation.

20. The topic must be opened up for general discussion.

21. With the coming of railways, new markets opened up.

22. Every time the vestibule door opened, he tensed up.

23. Two large fissures just opened up near the base.

24. That breach in the dike opened up the floodgates.

25. See if any private rooms may have opened up?